Source code for guiqwt.styles

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA
# Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see guiqwt/ for details)

# pylint: disable=C0103


The `styles` module provides set of parameters (DataSet classes) to
configure `plot items` and `plot tools`.

.. seealso::

    Module :py:mod:`guiqwt.plot`
        Module providing ready-to-use curve and image plotting widgets and
        dialog boxes

    Module :py:mod:`guiqwt.curve`
        Module providing curve-related plot items and plotting widgets

    Module :py:mod:`guiqwt.image`
        Module providing image-related plot items and plotting widgets

    Module :py:mod:``
        Module providing the `plot tools`


.. autoclass:: CurveParam
.. autoclass:: ErrorBarParam
.. autoclass:: GridParam
.. autoclass:: ImageParam
.. autoclass:: TrImageParam
.. autoclass:: ImageFilterParam
.. autoclass:: HistogramParam
.. autoclass:: Histogram2DParam
.. autoclass:: AxesParam
.. autoclass:: ImageAxesParam
.. autoclass:: LabelParam
.. autoclass:: LegendParam
.. autoclass:: ShapeParam
.. autoclass:: AnnotationParam
.. autoclass:: AxesShapeParam
.. autoclass:: RangeShapeParam
.. autoclass:: MarkerParam
.. autoclass:: FontParam
.. autoclass:: SymbolParam
.. autoclass:: LineStyleParam
.. autoclass:: BrushStyleParam
.. autoclass:: TextStyleParam

import numpy as np

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QFontDialog
from qtpy.QtGui import QPen, QBrush, QColor, QFont, QTransform
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QSizeF, QPointF

from guidata.dataset.datatypes import (
from guidata.dataset.dataitems import (
from guidata.dataset.qtwidgets import DataSetEditLayout
from guidata.dataset.qtitemwidgets import DataSetWidget
from guidata.dataset import update_dataset

# Local imports
from guiqwt.transitional import QwtPlot, QwtPlotCurve, QwtSymbol, QwtPlotMarker
from guiqwt.config import _
from guiqwt.colormap import get_colormap_list, build_icon_from_cmap_name

class ItemParameters(object):
    """Class handling QwtPlotItem-like parameters"""

    # Customizing tab display order:

    def __init__(self, multiselection=False):
        self.multiselection = multiselection
        self.paramdict = {}
        self.items = set()

    def register_multiselection(cls, klass, klass_ms):
        """Register a DataSet couple: (DataSet, DataSet_for_MultiSelection)"""
        # Inserting element backwards because classes have to be registered
        # from children to parent (see 'add' method to fully understand why)
        cls.MULTISEL_DATASETS.insert(0, (klass, klass_ms))

    def __add(self, key, item, param):
        self.paramdict[key] = param

    def add(self, key, item, param):
        if self.multiselection:
            for klass, klass_ms in self.MULTISEL_DATASETS:
                if isinstance(param, klass):
                    title = param.get_title()
                    if key in self.paramdict and not title.endswith("s"):
                        title += "s"
                    param_ms = klass_ms(
                        title=title, comment=param.get_comment(), icon=param.get_icon()
                    update_dataset(param_ms, param)
                    self.__add(key, item, param_ms)
        self.__add(key, item, param)

    def get(self, key):
        from copy import deepcopy

        return deepcopy(self.paramdict.get(key))

    def update(self, plot):
        # XXX: removed the following workaround as the associated bug can't be
        # reproduced anymore with guiqwt 3. However, keeping the workaround
        # here (commented) as it could become useful eventually.
        # -----
        # FIXME: without the following workaround, ImagePlot object aspect ratio
        # is changed when pressing button "Apply"
        # (see also guiqwt.image.ImagePlot.edit_axis_parameters)
        #        from guiqwt.image import ImagePlot
        #        if isinstance(plot, ImagePlot):
        #            ratio = plot.get_current_aspect_ratio()
        # -----
        for item in self.items:
        # -----
        #        if isinstance(plot, ImagePlot):
        #            plot.set_aspect_ratio(ratio=ratio)
        #            plot.replot()
        # -----

    def edit(self, plot, title, icon):
        paramdict = self.paramdict.copy()
        ending_parameters = []
        for key in self.ENDING_PARAMETERS:
            if key in paramdict:
        parameters = list(paramdict.values()) + ending_parameters
        dset = DataSetGroup(parameters, title=title.rstrip("."), icon=icon)
        if dset.edit(parent=plot, apply=lambda dset: self.update(plot)):

    "-": "SolidLine",
    "--": "DashLine",
    ":": "DotLine",
    "-.": "DashDotLine",
    "r": "red",
    "g": "green",
    "b": "blue",
    "c": "cyan",
    "m": "magenta",
    "y": "yellow",
    "k": "black",
    "w": "white",
    "G": "gray",
    "+": QwtSymbol.Cross,
    "o": QwtSymbol.Ellipse,
    "*": QwtSymbol.Star1,
    ".": QwtSymbol(QwtSymbol.Ellipse, QBrush(, QPen(, QSizeF(3, 3)),
    "x": QwtSymbol.XCross,
    "s": QwtSymbol.Rect,
    "d": QwtSymbol.Diamond,
    "^": QwtSymbol.UTriangle,
    "v": QwtSymbol.DTriangle,
    ">": QwtSymbol.RTriangle,
    "<": QwtSymbol.LTriangle,
    "h": QwtSymbol.Star2,
    None: "NoLine",
    "-": "HLine",
    "|": "VLine",
    "+": "Cross",

def style_generator(color_keys="bgrcmykG"):
    """Cycling through curve styles"""
    while True:
        for linestyle in sorted(LINESTYLES.keys()):
            for color in color_keys:
                yield color + linestyle

def update_style_attr(style, param):
    """Parse a MATLAB-like style string and
    update the color, linestyle, marker attributes of the param
    for marker in list(MARKERS.keys()):
        if marker in style:
    for linestyle in list(LINESTYLES.keys()):
        if linestyle in style:
   = LINESTYLES[linestyle]
    else: = "NoPen"
    for color in list(COLORS.keys()):
        if color in style:
            param.line.color = COLORS[color]
            param.symbol.facecolor = COLORS[color]
            param.symbol.edgecolor = COLORS[color]

def build_reverse_map(lst, obj):
    dict = {}
    for idx, _name, _icon in lst:
        val = getattr(obj, idx)
        dict[val] = idx
    return dict

    ("SolidLine", _("Solid line"), "solid.png"),
    ("DashLine", _("Dashed line"), "dash.png"),
    ("DotLine", _("Dotted line"), "dot.png"),
    ("DashDotLine", _("Dash-dot line"), "dashdot.png"),
    ("DashDotDotLine", _("Dash-dot-dot line"), "dashdotdot.png"),
    ("NoPen", _("No line"), "none.png"),
    ("Cross", _("Cross"), "cross.png"),
    ("Ellipse", _("Ellipse"), "ellipse.png"),
    ("Star1", _("Star"), "star.png"),
    ("XCross", _("X-Cross"), "xcross.png"),
    ("Rect", _("Square"), "square.png"),
    ("Diamond", _("Diamond"), "diamond.png"),
    ("UTriangle", _("Triangle"), "triangle_u.png"),
    ("DTriangle", _("Triangle"), "triangle_d.png"),
    ("RTriangle", _("Triangle"), "triangle_r.png"),
    ("LTriangle", _("Triangle"), "triangle_l.png"),
    ("Star2", _("Hexagon"), "hexagon.png"),
    ("NoSymbol", _("No symbol"), "none.png"),
    ("Lines", _("Lines"), "lines.png"),
    ("Sticks", _("Sticks"), "sticks.png"),
    ("Steps", _("Steps"), "steps.png"),
    ("Dots", _("Dots"), "dots.png"),
    ("NoCurve", _("No curve"), "none.png"),

    ("NoBrush", _("No brush pattern"), "nobrush.png"),
    ("SolidPattern", _("Uniform color"), "solidpattern.png"),
    ("Dense1Pattern", _("Extremely dense brush pattern"), "dense1pattern.png"),
    ("Dense2Pattern", _("Very dense brush pattern"), "dense2pattern.png"),
    ("Dense3Pattern", _("Somewhat dense brush pattern"), "dense3pattern.png"),
    ("Dense4Pattern", _("Half dense brush pattern"), "dense4pattern.png"),
    ("Dense5Pattern", _("Somewhat sparse brush pattern"), "dense5pattern.png"),
    ("Dense6Pattern", _("Very sparse brush pattern"), "dense6pattern.png"),
    ("Dense7Pattern", _("Extremely sparse brush pattern"), "dense7pattern.png"),
    ("HorPattern", _("Horizontal lines"), "horpattern.png"),
    ("VerPattern", _("Vertical lines"), "verpattern.png"),
    ("CrossPattern", _("Crossing horizontal and vertical lines"), "crosspattern.png"),
    ("BDiagPattern", _("Backward diagonal lines"), "bdiagpattern.png"),
    ("FDiagPattern", _("Forward diagonal lines"), "fdiagpattern.png"),
    ("DiagCrossPattern", _("Crossing diagonal lines"), "diagcrosspattern.png"),
    #    ("LinearGradientPattern", _("Linear gradient (set using a dedicated QBrush constructor)"), "none.png"),
    #    ("ConicalGradientPattern", _("Conical gradient (set using a dedicated QBrush constructor)"), "none.png"),
    #    ("RadialGradientPattern", _("Radial gradient (set using a dedicated QBrush constructor)"), "none.png"),
    #    ("TexturePattern", _("Custom pattern (see QBrush::setTexture())"), "none.png"),

    ("NoLine", _("None"), "none.png"),
    ("HLine", _("Horizontal"), "horiz_marker.png"),
    ("VLine", _("Vertical"), "vert_marker.png"),
    ("Cross", _("Cross"), "cross_marker.png"),

MARKER_NAME = build_reverse_map(MARKER_CHOICES, QwtSymbol)
CURVESTYLE_NAME = build_reverse_map(CURVESTYLE_CHOICES, QwtPlotCurve)
MARKERSTYLE_NAME = build_reverse_map(MARKERSTYLE_CHOICES, QwtPlotMarker)

# ===================================================
# Common font parameters
# ===================================================
def _font_selection(param, item, value, parent):
    font = param.build_font()
    result, valid = QFontDialog.getFont(font, parent)
    if valid:

[docs] class FontParam(DataSet): family = StringItem(_("Family"), default="default") _choose = ButtonItem(_("Choose font"), _font_selection, default=None).set_pos(col=1) size = IntItem(_("Size in point"), default=12) bold = BoolItem(_("Bold"), default=False).set_pos(col=1) italic = BoolItem(_("Italic"), default=False).set_pos(col=2) def update_param(self, font): = str( self.size = font.pointSize() self.bold = bool(font.bold()) self.italic = bool(font.italic()) def build_font(self): font = QFont( font.setPointSize(self.size) font.setBold(self.bold) font.setItalic(self.italic) return font
class FontItemWidget(DataSetWidget): klass = FontParam class FontItem(ObjectItem): """Item holding a LineStyleParam""" klass = FontParam DataSetEditLayout.register(FontItem, FontItemWidget) # =================================================== # Common Qwt symbol parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class SymbolParam(DataSet): marker = ImageChoiceItem(_("Style"), MARKER_CHOICES, default="NoSymbol") size = IntItem(_("Size"), default=9) edgecolor = ColorItem(_("Border"), default="gray") facecolor = ColorItem(_("Background color"), default="yellow") alpha = FloatItem(_("Background alpha"), default=1.0, min=0, max=1) def update_param(self, symb): if not isinstance(symb, QwtSymbol): # check if this is still needed # raise RuntimeError assert isinstance(symb, QwtSymbol.Style) self.marker = MARKER_NAME[symb] return self.marker = MARKER_NAME[] self.size = symb.size().width() self.edgecolor = str(symb.pen().color().name()) self.facecolor = str(symb.brush().color().name()) def build_symbol(self): marker_type = getattr(QwtSymbol, self.marker) color = QColor(self.facecolor) color.setAlphaF(self.alpha) marker = QwtSymbol( marker_type, QBrush(color), QPen(QColor(self.edgecolor)), QSizeF(self.size, self.size), ) return marker def update_symbol(self, obj): obj.setSymbol(self.build_symbol())
class SymbolItemWidget(DataSetWidget): klass = SymbolParam class SymbolItem(ObjectItem): """Item holding a SymbolParam""" klass = SymbolParam DataSetEditLayout.register(SymbolItem, SymbolItemWidget) # =================================================== # Common line style parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class LineStyleParam(DataSet): style = ImageChoiceItem(_("Style"), LINESTYLE_CHOICES, default="SolidLine") color = ColorItem(_("Color"), default="black") width = FloatItem(_("Width"), default=1.0, min=0) def update_param(self, pen): self.width = pen.widthF() self.color = str(pen.color().name()) = LINESTYLE_NAME[] def build_pen(self): linecolor = QColor(self.color) style = getattr(Qt, pen = QPen(linecolor, self.width, style) return pen
[docs] def set_style_from_matlab(self, linestyle): """Eventually convert MATLAB-like linestyle into Qt linestyle""" linestyle = LINESTYLES.get(linestyle, linestyle) # MATLAB-style if linestyle == "": # MATLAB-style linestyle = "NoPen" = linestyle
class LineStyleItemWidget(DataSetWidget): klass = LineStyleParam class LineStyleItem(ObjectItem): """Item holding a LineStyleParam""" klass = LineStyleParam DataSetEditLayout.register(LineStyleItem, LineStyleItemWidget) # =================================================== # Common brush style parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class BrushStyleParam(DataSet): style = ImageChoiceItem(_("Style"), BRUSHSTYLE_CHOICES, default="SolidPattern") color = ColorItem(_("Color"), default="black") alpha = FloatItem(_("Alpha"), default=1.0) angle = FloatItem(_("Angle"), default=0.0, min=0) sx = FloatItem(_("sx"), default=1.0, min=0) sy = FloatItem(_("sy"), default=1.0, min=0) def update_param(self, brush): from math import pi, sqrt, atan2 tr = brush.transform() pt =, 0.0)) = sqrt(pt.x() ** 2 + pt.y() ** 2) self.angle = 180 * atan2(pt.y(), pt.x()) / pi pt =, 1.0)) = sqrt(pt.x() ** 2 + pt.y() ** 2) col = brush.color() self.color = str( self.alpha = col.alphaF() = BRUSHSTYLE_NAME[] def build_brush(self): color = QColor(self.color) color.setAlphaF(self.alpha) brush = QBrush(color, getattr(Qt, tr = QTransform() tr = tr.scale(, tr = tr.rotate(self.angle) brush.setTransform(tr) return brush
class BrushStyleItemWidget(DataSetWidget): klass = BrushStyleParam class BrushStyleItem(ObjectItem): """Item holding a LineStyleParam""" klass = BrushStyleParam DataSetEditLayout.register(BrushStyleItem, BrushStyleItemWidget) # =================================================== # QwtText parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class TextStyleParam(DataSet): font = FontItem(_("Font")) textcolor = ColorItem(_("Text color"), default="blue") background_color = ColorItem(_("Background color"), default="white") background_alpha = FloatItem(_("Background alpha"), default=0.5, min=0, max=1)
[docs] def update_param(self, obj): """obj: QwtText instance""" self.font.update_param(obj.font()) self.textcolor = obj.color().name() color = obj.backgroundBrush().color() self.background_color = self.background_alpha = color.alphaF()
[docs] def update_text(self, obj): """obj: QwtText instance""" obj.setColor(QColor(self.textcolor)) color = QColor(self.background_color) color.setAlphaF(self.background_alpha) obj.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(color)) font = self.font.build_font() obj.setFont(font)
class TextStyleItemWidget(DataSetWidget): klass = TextStyleParam class TextStyleItem(ObjectItem): """Item holding a TextStyleParam""" klass = TextStyleParam DataSetEditLayout.register(TextStyleItem, TextStyleItemWidget) # =================================================== # Grid parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class GridParam(DataSet): background = ColorItem(_("Background color"), default="white") maj = BeginGroup(_("Major grid")) maj_xenabled = BoolItem(_("X Axis"), default=True) maj_yenabled = BoolItem(_("Y Axis"), default=True).set_pos(col=1) maj_line = LineStyleItem(_("Line")) _maj = EndGroup("end group") min = BeginGroup(_("Minor grid")) min_xenabled = BoolItem(_("X Axis"), default=False) min_yenabled = BoolItem(_("Y Axis"), default=False).set_pos(col=1) min_line = LineStyleItem(_("Line")) _min = EndGroup("fin groupe") def update_param(self, grid): plot = grid.plot() if plot is not None: self.background = str(plot.canvasBackground().color().name()) self.maj_xenabled = grid.xEnabled() self.maj_yenabled = grid.yEnabled() self.maj_line.update_param(grid.majorPen()) self.min_xenabled = grid.xMinEnabled() self.min_yenabled = grid.yMinEnabled() self.min_line.update_param(grid.minorPen()) def update_grid(self, grid): plot = grid.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below plot.setCanvasBackground(QColor(self.background)) grid.enableX(self.maj_xenabled) grid.enableY(self.maj_yenabled) grid.setPen(self.maj_line.build_pen()) grid.enableXMin(self.min_xenabled) grid.enableYMin(self.min_yenabled) grid.setMinorPen(self.min_line.build_pen()) grid.setTitle(self.get_title()) if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False)
# =================================================== # Axes style parameters # =================================================== class AxeStyleParam(DataSet): title = StringItem(_("Title"), default="") unit = StringItem(_("Unit"), default="") color = ColorItem(_("Color"), default="black").set_pos(col=1) title_font = FontItem(_("Title font")) ticks_font = FontItem(_("Values font")) # =================================================== # Axes parameters # =================================================== class AxisParam(DataSet): scale = ChoiceItem( _("Scale"), [("lin", _("linear")), ("log", _("logarithmic"))], default="lin" ) vmin = FloatItem("Min", help=_("Lower axis limit")) vmax = FloatItem("Max", help=_("Upper axis limit")) def update_param(self, plot, axis_id): self.scale = plot.get_axis_scale(axis_id) axis = plot.axisScaleDiv(axis_id) self.vmin = axis.lowerBound() self.vmax = axis.upperBound() def update_axis(self, plot, axis_id): plot.enableAxis(axis_id, True) plot.set_axis_scale(axis_id, self.scale, autoscale=False) plot.setAxisScale(axis_id, self.vmin, self.vmax) plot.disable_unused_axes() class AxisItemWidget(DataSetWidget): klass = AxisParam class AxisItem(ObjectItem): klass = AxisParam DataSetEditLayout.register(AxisItem, AxisItemWidget)
[docs] class AxesParam(DataSet): xaxis_id = ChoiceItem( _("X-axis position"), [(QwtPlot.xBottom, _("bottom")), (QwtPlot.xTop, _("top"))], default=QwtPlot.xBottom, ) xaxis = AxisItem(_("X Axis")) yaxis_id = ChoiceItem( _("Y-axis position"), [(QwtPlot.yLeft, _("left")), (QwtPlot.yRight, _("right"))], default=QwtPlot.yLeft, ) yaxis = AxisItem(_("Y Axis")) def update_param(self, item): plot = item.plot() self.xaxis_id = item.xAxis() self.xaxis.update_param(plot, self.xaxis_id) self.yaxis_id = item.yAxis() self.yaxis.update_param(plot, self.yaxis_id) def update_axes(self, item): plot = item.plot() plot.grid.setAxes(self.xaxis_id, self.yaxis_id) item.setXAxis(self.xaxis_id) self.xaxis.update_axis(plot, self.xaxis_id) item.setYAxis(self.yaxis_id) self.yaxis.update_axis(plot, self.yaxis_id)
[docs] class ImageAxesParam(DataSet): xparams = BeginGroup(_("X Axis")) xmin = FloatItem("x|min", help=_("Lower x-axis limit")) xmax = FloatItem("x|max", help=_("Upper x-axis limit")) _xparams = EndGroup("end X") yparams = BeginGroup(_("Y Axis")) ymin = FloatItem("y|min", help=_("Lower y-axis limit")) ymax = FloatItem("y|max", help=_("Upper y-axis limit")) _yparams = EndGroup("end Y") zparams = BeginGroup(_("Z Axis")) zmin = FloatItem("z|min", help=_("Lower z-axis limit")) zmax = FloatItem("z|max", help=_("Upper z-axis limit")) _zparams = EndGroup("end Z") def update_param(self, item): plot = item.plot() xaxis = plot.axisScaleDiv(item.xAxis()) self.xmin = xaxis.lowerBound() self.xmax = xaxis.upperBound() yaxis = plot.axisScaleDiv(item.yAxis()) self.ymin = yaxis.lowerBound() self.ymax = yaxis.upperBound() self.zmin, self.zmax = item.min, item.max def update_axes(self, item): plot = item.plot() plot.set_plot_limits(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax) item.set_lut_range([self.zmin, self.zmax]) plot.update_colormap_axis(item)
# =================================================== # Label parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class LabelParam(DataSet): _multiselection = False _legend = False _no_contents = True label = StringItem(_("Title"), default="").set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) _styles = BeginTabGroup("Styles") # -------------------------------------------------------------- Contents tab ___cont = BeginGroup(_("Contents")).set_prop( "display", icon="label.png", hide=GetAttrProp("_no_contents") ) contents = TextItem("").set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_no_contents")) ___econt = EndGroup(_("Contents")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_no_contents") ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Symbol tab symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol")).set_prop( "display", icon="diamond.png", hide=GetAttrProp("_legend") ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Border tab border = LineStyleItem( _("Border"), default=Obj(color="#cbcbcb"), help=_("set width to 0 to disable") ).set_prop("display", icon="dashdot.png") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Text tab ___text = BeginGroup(_("Text")).set_prop("display", icon="font.png") font = FontItem(_("Text font")) color = ColorItem(_("Text color"), default="#000000") bgcolor = ColorItem(_("Background color"), default="#ffffff") bgalpha = FloatItem(_("Background transparency"), min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.8) ___etext = EndGroup(_("Text")) # -------------------------------------------------------------- Position tab ___position = BeginGroup(_("Position")).set_prop("display", icon="move.png") _begin_anchor = BeginGroup(_("Position relative to anchor")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) anchor = ChoiceItem( _("Corner"), [ ("TL", _("Top left")), ("TR", _("Top right")), ("BL", _("Bottom left")), ("BR", _("Bottom right")), ("L", _("Left")), ("R", _("Right")), ("T", _("Top")), ("B", _("Bottom")), ("C", _("Center")), ], default="TL", help=_("Label position relative to anchor point"), ).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) xc = IntItem( "ΔX", default=5, help=_("Horizontal offset (pixels) relative to anchor point"), ).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) yc = ( IntItem( "ΔY", default=5, help=_("Vertical offset (pixels) relative to anchor point"), ) .set_pos(col=1) .set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) ) _end_anchor = EndGroup(_("Anchor")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) _begin_anchorpos = BeginGroup(_("Anchor position")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) _abspos_prop = GetAttrProp("abspos") abspos = ( BoolItem(text=_("Attach to canvas"), label=_("Anchor"), default=True) .set_prop("display", store=_abspos_prop) .set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) ) xg = ( FloatItem(_("X"), default=0.0, help=_("X-axis position in canvas coordinates")) .set_prop("display", active=NotProp(_abspos_prop)) .set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) ) yg = ( FloatItem(_("Y"), default=0.0, help=_("Y-axis position in canvas coordinates")) .set_pos(col=1) .set_prop("display", active=NotProp(_abspos_prop)) .set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) ) move_anchor = ( ChoiceItem( _("Interact"), ( (True, _("moving object changes anchor position")), (False, _("moving object changes label position")), ), default=True, ) .set_prop("display", active=NotProp(_abspos_prop)) .set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) ) absg = ( ChoiceItem( _("Position"), [ ("TL", _("Top left")), ("TR", _("Top right")), ("BL", _("Bottom left")), ("BR", _("Bottom right")), ("L", _("Left")), ("R", _("Right")), ("T", _("Top")), ("B", _("Bottom")), ("C", _("Center")), ], default="TL", help=_("Absolute position on canvas"), ) .set_prop("display", active=_abspos_prop) .set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection")) ) _end_anchorpos = EndGroup(_("Anchor position")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) ___eposition = EndGroup(_("Position")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- End _endstyles = EndTabGroup("Styles") def update_param(self, obj): # The following is necessary only for shape labels: # when shape is just created (and not yet moved), we need to update # these attributes if self.abspos: self.absg = obj.G else: self.xg, self.yg = obj.G self.xc, self.yc = obj.C def update_label(self, obj): if not self._multiselection: if self.abspos: obj.G = self.absg else: obj.G = (self.xg, self.yg) obj.C = self.xc, self.yc obj.anchor = self.anchor obj.move_anchor = self.move_anchor obj.setTitle(self.label) obj.marker = self.symbol.build_symbol() obj.border_pen = self.border.build_pen() obj.set_text_style(self.font.build_font(), self.color) color = QColor(self.bgcolor) color.setAlphaF(self.bgalpha) obj.bg_brush = QBrush(color)
class LabelParam_MS(LabelParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(LabelParam, LabelParam_MS)
[docs] class LegendParam(LabelParam): _legend = True label = StringItem(_("Title"), default="").set_prop("display", hide=True) def update_label(self, obj): super(LegendParam, self).update_label(obj) if not self._multiselection: obj.setTitle(self.get_title())
class LegendParam_MS(LegendParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(LegendParam, LegendParam_MS) class LabelParamWithContents(LabelParam): _no_contents = False def __init__(self, title=None, comment=None, icon=""): self.plain_text = None super(LabelParamWithContents, self).__init__(title, comment, icon) def update_param(self, obj): super(LabelParamWithContents, self).update_param(obj) self.contents = self.plain_text = obj.get_plain_text() def update_label(self, obj): super(LabelParamWithContents, self).update_label(obj) if self.plain_text is not None and self.contents != self.plain_text: text = self.contents.replace("\n", "<br>") obj.set_text(text) class LabelParamWithContents_MS(LabelParamWithContents): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection( LabelParamWithContents, LabelParamWithContents_MS ) # =================================================== # Curve parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class CurveParam(DataSet): _multiselection = False label = StringItem(_("Title"), default="").set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) line = LineStyleItem(_("Line")) symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol")) shade = FloatItem(_("Shadow"), default=0, min=0, max=1) curvestyle = ImageChoiceItem(_("Curve style"), CURVESTYLE_CHOICES, default="Lines") baseline = FloatItem(_("Baseline"), default=0.0) def update_param(self, curve): self.label = str(curve.title().text()) self.symbol.update_param(curve.symbol()) self.line.update_param(curve.pen()) self.curvestyle = CURVESTYLE_NAME[] self.baseline = curve.baseline() def update_curve(self, curve): plot = curve.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below if not self._multiselection: # Non common parameters curve.setTitle(self.label) curve.setPen(self.line.build_pen()) # Brush linecolor = QColor(self.line.color) linecolor.setAlphaF(self.shade) brush = QBrush(linecolor) if not self.shade: brush.setStyle(Qt.NoBrush) curve.setBrush(brush) # Symbol self.symbol.update_symbol(curve) # Curve style, type and baseline curve.setStyle(getattr(QwtPlotCurve, self.curvestyle)) curve.setBaseline(self.baseline) if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False)
class CurveParam_MS(CurveParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(CurveParam, CurveParam_MS) # =================================================== # ErrorBar Curve parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class ErrorBarParam(DataSet): mode = ChoiceItem( _("Display"), default=0, choices=[_("error bars with caps (x, y)"), _("error area (y)")], help=_( "Note: only y-axis error bars are shown in " "error area mode\n(width and cap parameters " "will also be ignored)" ), ) color = ColorItem(_("Color"), default="darkred") alpha = FloatItem( _("Alpha"), default=0.9, min=0, max=1, help=_("Error bar transparency") ) width = FloatItem(_("Width"), default=1.0, min=1) cap = IntItem(_("Cap"), default=4, min=0) ontop = BoolItem(_("set to foreground"), _("Visibility"), default=False) def update_param(self, curve): color = curve.errorPen.color() self.color = str( self.alpha = color.alphaF() self.width = curve.errorPen.widthF() self.cap = curve.errorCap self.ontop = curve.errorOnTop def update_curve(self, curve): color = QColor(self.color) color.setAlphaF(self.alpha) curve.errorPen = QPen(color, self.width) curve.errorBrush = QBrush(color) curve.errorCap = self.cap curve.errorOnTop = self.ontop
# =================================================== # Image parameters # =================================================== def _create_choices(): choices = [] for cmap_name in get_colormap_list(): choices.append((cmap_name, cmap_name, build_icon_from_cmap_name)) return choices class BaseImageParam(DataSet): _multiselection = False label = StringItem(_("Image title"), default=_("Image")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) alpha_mask = BoolItem( _("Use image level as alpha"), _("Alpha channel"), default=False ) alpha = FloatItem( _("Global alpha"), default=1.0, min=0, max=1, help=_("Global alpha value") ) _hide_colormap = False colormap = ImageChoiceItem( _("Colormap"), _create_choices(), default="jet" ).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_colormap")) interpolation = ChoiceItem( _("Interpolation"), [ (0, _("None (nearest pixel)")), (1, _("Linear interpolation")), (2, _("2x2 antialiasing filter")), (3, _("3x3 antialiasing filter")), (5, _("5x5 antialiasing filter")), ], default=0, help=_("Image interpolation type"), ) _formats = BeginGroup(_("Statistics string formatting")) xformat = StringItem(_("X-Axis"), default=r"%.1f") yformat = StringItem(_("Y-Axis"), default=r"%.1f") zformat = StringItem(_("Z-Axis"), default=r"%.1f") _end_formats = EndGroup(_("Statistics string formatting")) def update_param(self, image): self.label = str(image.title().text()) self.colormap = image.get_color_map_name() interpolation = image.get_interpolation() mode = interpolation[0] from guiqwt.image import INTERP_NEAREST, INTERP_LINEAR if mode == INTERP_NEAREST: self.interpolation = 0 elif mode == INTERP_LINEAR: self.interpolation = 1 else: size = interpolation[1].shape[0] self.interpolation = size def update_image(self, image): plot = image.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below image.setTitle(self.label) image.set_color_map(self.colormap) size = self.interpolation from guiqwt.image import INTERP_NEAREST, INTERP_LINEAR, INTERP_AA if size == 0: mode = INTERP_NEAREST elif size == 1: mode = INTERP_LINEAR else: mode = INTERP_AA image.set_interpolation(mode, size) if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False) class QuadGridParam(DataSet): _multiselection = False label = StringItem(_("Image title"), default=_("Image")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) alpha_mask = BoolItem( _("Use image level as alpha"), _("Alpha channel"), default=False, help=_("When enabled, highest level is opaque and lowest level is transparent"), ) alpha = FloatItem( _("Global alpha"), default=1.0, min=0, max=1, help=_("Global alpha value") ) _hide_colormap = False colormap = ImageChoiceItem( _("Colormap"), _create_choices(), default="jet" ).set_prop("display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_colormap")) interpolation = ChoiceItem( _("Interpolation"), [ (0, _("Quadrangle interpolation")), (1, _("Flat")), ], default=0, help=_( "Image interpolation type, " "Flat mode use fixed u,v " "interpolation parameters" ), ) uflat = FloatItem( _("Fixed U interpolation parameter"), default=0.5, min=0.0, max=1.0, help=_("For flat mode only"), ) vflat = FloatItem( _("Fixed V interpolation parameter"), default=0.5, min=0.0, max=1.0, help=_("For flat mode only"), ) grid = BoolItem(_("Show grid"), default=False) gridcolor = ColorItem(_("Grid lines color"), default="black") def update_param(self, image): self.label = str(image.title().text()) self.colormap = image.get_color_map_name() interp, uflat, vflat = image.interpolate self.interpolation = interp self.uflat = uflat self.vflat = vflat self.grid = image.grid def update_image(self, image): plot = image.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below image.setTitle(self.label) image.set_color_map(self.colormap) image.interpolate = (self.interpolation, self.uflat, self.vflat) image.grid = self.grid # TODO : gridcolor if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False) class RawImageParam(BaseImageParam): _hide_background = False background = ColorItem(_("Background color"), default="#000000").set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_hide_background") ) def update_param(self, image): super(RawImageParam, self).update_param(image) self.background = str(QColor(image.bg_qcolor).name()) def update_image(self, image): super(RawImageParam, self).update_image(image) plot = image.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below image.set_background_color(self.background) if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False) class RawImageParam_MS(RawImageParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(RawImageParam, RawImageParam_MS) class XYImageParam(RawImageParam): pass class XYImageParam_MS(XYImageParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(XYImageParam, XYImageParam_MS)
[docs] class ImageParam(RawImageParam): _xdata = BeginGroup(_("Image placement along X-axis")) xmin = FloatItem(_("x|min"), default=None) xmax = FloatItem(_("x|max"), default=None) _end_xdata = EndGroup(_("Image placement along X-axis")) _ydata = BeginGroup(_("Image placement along Y-axis")) ymin = FloatItem(_("y|min"), default=None) ymax = FloatItem(_("y|max"), default=None) _end_ydata = EndGroup(_("Image placement along Y-axis")) def update_param(self, image): super(ImageParam, self).update_param(image) self.xmin = image.xmin if self.xmin is None: self.xmin = 0.0 self.ymin = image.ymin if self.ymin is None: self.ymin = 0.0 if image.is_empty(): shape = (0, 0) else: shape = self.xmax = image.xmax if self.xmax is None: self.xmax = float(shape[1]) self.ymax = image.ymax if self.ymax is None: self.ymax = float(shape[0]) def update_image(self, image): super(ImageParam, self).update_image(image) plot = image.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below image.xmin = self.xmin image.xmax = self.xmax image.ymin = self.ymin image.ymax = self.ymax image.update_bounds() image.update_border() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False)
class ImageParam_MS(ImageParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(ImageParam, ImageParam_MS) class RGBImageParam(ImageParam): _hide_background = True _hide_colormap = True def update_image(self, image): super(RGBImageParam, self).update_image(image) plot = image.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below image.recompute_alpha_channel() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False) class RGBImageParam_MS(RGBImageParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(RGBImageParam, RGBImageParam_MS) class MaskedImageParam(ImageParam): g_mask = BeginGroup(_("Mask")) filling_value = FloatItem(_("Filling value")) show_mask = BoolItem(_("Show image mask"), default=False) alpha_masked = FloatItem(_("Masked area alpha"), default=0.7, min=0, max=1) alpha_unmasked = FloatItem(_("Unmasked area alpha"), default=0.0, min=0, max=1) _g_mask = EndGroup(_("Mask")) def update_image(self, image): super(MaskedImageParam, self).update_image(image) plot = image.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below image.update_mask() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False) class MaskedImageParam_MS(MaskedImageParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(MaskedImageParam, MaskedImageParam_MS)
[docs] class ImageFilterParam(BaseImageParam): label = StringItem(_("Title"), default=_("Filter")) g1 = BeginGroup(_("Bounds")) xmin = FloatItem(_("x|min")) xmax = FloatItem(_("x|max")) ymin = FloatItem(_("y|min")) ymax = FloatItem(_("y|max")) _g1 = EndGroup("sub-group") use_source_cmap = BoolItem( _("Use image colormap and level"), _("Color map"), default=True ) def update_param(self, obj): self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax = obj.border_rect.get_rect() self.use_source_cmap = obj.use_source_cmap super(ImageFilterParam, self).update_param(obj) def update_imagefilter(self, imagefilter): m, M = imagefilter.get_lut_range() set_range = False if not self.use_source_cmap and imagefilter.use_source_cmap: set_range = True imagefilter.use_source_cmap = self.use_source_cmap if set_range: imagefilter.set_lut_range([m, M]) self.update_image(imagefilter) imagefilter.border_rect.set_rect(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
[docs] class TrImageParam(RawImageParam): _crop = BeginGroup(_("Crop")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) crop_left = IntItem(_("Left"), default=0) crop_right = IntItem(_("Right"), default=0) crop_top = IntItem(_("Top"), default=0) crop_bottom = IntItem(_("Bottom"), default=0) _end_crop = EndGroup(_("Cropping")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) _ps = BeginGroup(_("Pixel size")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) dx = FloatItem(_("Width (dx)"), default=1.0) dy = FloatItem(_("Height (dy)"), default=1.0) _end_ps = EndGroup(_("Pixel size")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) _pos = BeginGroup(_("Translate, rotate and flip")) pos_x0 = FloatItem(_("x<sub>CENTER</sub>"), default=0.0).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) hflip = BoolItem(_("Flip horizontally"), default=False).set_prop("display", col=1) pos_y0 = FloatItem(_("y<sub>CENTER</sub>"), default=0.0).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) vflip = BoolItem(_("Flip vertically"), default=False).set_prop("display", col=1) pos_angle = FloatItem("θ (°)", default=0.0).set_prop("display", col=0) _end_pos = EndGroup(_("Translate, rotate and flip")) def update_param(self, image): super(TrImageParam, self).update_param(image) # we don't get crop info from the image because # its not easy to extract from the transform # and TrImageItem keeps it's crop information # directly in this DataSet def update_image(self, image): RawImageParam.update_image(self, image) plot = image.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below image.set_transform(*self.get_transform()) if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False) def get_transform(self): return ( self.pos_x0, self.pos_y0, self.pos_angle * np.pi / 180, self.dx, self.dy, self.hflip, self.vflip, ) def set_transform(self, x0, y0, angle, dx=1.0, dy=1.0, hflip=False, vflip=False): self.pos_x0 = x0 self.pos_y0 = y0 self.pos_angle = angle * 180 / np.pi self.dx = dx self.dy = dy self.hflip = hflip self.vflip = vflip def set_crop(self, left, top, right, bottom): self.crop_left = left self.crop_right = right self.crop_top = top self.crop_bottom = bottom def get_crop(self): return (self.crop_left, self.crop_top, self.crop_right, self.crop_bottom)
class TrImageParam_MS(TrImageParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(TrImageParam, TrImageParam_MS) # =================================================== # Histogram parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class HistogramParam(DataSet): n_bins = IntItem(_("Bins"), default=100, min=1, help=_("Number of bins")) logscale = BoolItem(_("logarithmic"), _("Y-axis scale"), default=False) def update_param(self, obj): self.n_bins = obj.get_bins() self.logscale = obj.get_logscale() def update_hist(self, hist): hist.set_bins(self.n_bins) hist.set_logscale(self.logscale)
# =================================================== # Histogram 2D parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class Histogram2DParam(BaseImageParam): """Histogram""" _multiselection = False label = StringItem(_("Title"), default=_("Histogram")).set_prop( "display", hide=GetAttrProp("_multiselection") ) nx_bins = IntItem( _("X-axis bins"), default=100, min=1, help=_("Number of bins along x-axis") ) ny_bins = IntItem( _("Y-axis bins"), default=100, min=1, help=_("Number of bins along y-axis") ) logscale = BoolItem(_("logarithmic"), _("Z-axis scale"), default=False) computation = ChoiceItem( _("Computation"), [ (-1, _("Bin count")), (0, _("Maximum value")), (1, _("Mininum value")), (2, _("Sum")), (3, _("Product")), (4, _("Average")), ], default=-1, help=_( "Bin count : counts the number of points per bin,\n" "For max, min, sum, product, average, compute the " "function of a third parameter (one by default)" ), ) auto_lut = BoolItem( _("Automatic LUT range"), default=True, help=_("Automatically adapt color scale " "when panning, zooming"), ) background = ColorItem( _("Background color"), default="transparent", help=_("Background color when no data is present"), ) def update_param(self, obj): super(Histogram2DParam, self).update_param(obj) self.logscale = obj.logscale self.nx_bins, self.ny_bins = obj.nx_bins, obj.ny_bins def update_histogram(self, histogram): histogram.logscale = int(self.logscale) histogram.set_background_color(self.background) histogram.set_bins(self.nx_bins, self.ny_bins) self.update_image(histogram)
class Histogram2DParam_MS(Histogram2DParam): _multiselection = True ItemParameters.register_multiselection(Histogram2DParam, Histogram2DParam_MS) # =================================================== # Shape parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class MarkerParam(DataSet): _styles = BeginTabGroup("Styles") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line tab ___line = BeginGroup(_("Line")).set_prop("display", icon="dashdot.png") line = LineStyleItem(_("Line (not selected)")) sel_line = LineStyleItem(_("Line (selected)")) ___eline = EndGroup(_("Line")) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Symbol tab ___sym = BeginGroup(_("Symbol")).set_prop("display", icon="diamond.png") symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol (not selected)")) sel_symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol (selected)")) ___esym = EndGroup(_("Symbol")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Text tab ___text = BeginGroup(_("Text")).set_prop("display", icon="font.png") text = TextStyleItem(_("Text (not selected)")) sel_text = TextStyleItem(_("Text (selected)")) ___etext = EndGroup(_("Text")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- End _endstyles = EndTabGroup("Styles") markerstyle = ImageChoiceItem( _("Line style"), MARKERSTYLE_CHOICES, default="NoLine" ) spacing = IntItem(_("Spacing"), default=10, min=0) def update_param(self, obj): self.symbol.update_param(obj.symbol()) self.text.update_param(obj.label()) self.line.update_param(obj.linePen()) self.markerstyle = MARKERSTYLE_NAME[obj.lineStyle()] self.spacing = obj.spacing() def update_marker(self, obj): if obj.selected: line = self.sel_line symb = self.sel_symbol text = self.sel_text else: line = self.line symb = self.symbol text = self.text symb.update_symbol(obj) label = obj.label() text.update_text(label) obj.setLabel(label) obj.setLinePen(line.build_pen()) obj.setLineStyle(getattr(QwtPlotMarker, self.markerstyle)) obj.setSpacing(self.spacing) obj.update_label()
[docs] def set_markerstyle(self, style): """ Set marker line style style: * convenient values: '+', '-', '|' or None * `QwtPlotMarker.NoLine`, `QwtPlotMarker.Vertical`, ... """ self.markerstyle = MARKERSTYLES.get(style, style)
[docs] class ShapeParam(DataSet): label = StringItem(_("Title"), default="") _styles = BeginTabGroup("Styles") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line tab ___line = BeginGroup(_("Line")).set_prop("display", icon="dashdot.png") line = LineStyleItem(_("Line (not selected)")) sel_line = LineStyleItem(_("Line (selected)")) ___eline = EndGroup(_("Line")) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Symbol tab ___sym = BeginGroup(_("Symbol")).set_prop("display", icon="diamond.png") symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol (not selected)")) sel_symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol (selected)")) ___esym = EndGroup(_("Symbol")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fill tab ___fill = BeginGroup(_("Fill pattern")).set_prop( "display", icon="dense6pattern.png" ) fill = BrushStyleItem(_("Fill pattern (not selected)")) sel_fill = BrushStyleItem(_("Fill pattern (selected)")) ___efill = EndGroup(_("Fill pattern")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- End _endstyles = EndTabGroup("Styles") readonly = BoolItem( _("Read-only shape"), default=False, help=_("Read-only shapes can't be removed from " "the item list panel"), ) private = BoolItem( _("Private shape"), default=False, help=_("Private shapes are not shown in " "the item list panel"), ).set_pos(col=1) def update_param(self, obj): self.label = str(obj.title().text()) self.line.update_param(obj.pen) self.symbol.update_param(obj.symbol) self.fill.update_param(obj.brush) self.sel_line.update_param(obj.sel_pen) self.sel_symbol.update_param(obj.sel_symbol) self.sel_fill.update_param(obj.sel_brush) self.readonly = obj.is_readonly() self.private = obj.is_private() def update_shape(self, obj): plot = obj.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below obj.setTitle(self.label) obj.pen = self.line.build_pen() obj.symbol = self.symbol.build_symbol() obj.brush = self.fill.build_brush() obj.sel_pen = self.sel_line.build_pen() obj.sel_symbol = self.sel_symbol.build_symbol() obj.sel_brush = self.sel_fill.build_brush() obj.set_readonly(self.readonly) obj.set_private(self.private) if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False)
[docs] class AxesShapeParam(DataSet): arrow_angle = FloatItem(_("Arrow angle") + " (°)", min=0, max=90, nonzero=True) arrow_size = FloatItem(_("Arrow size") + " (%)", min=0, max=100, nonzero=True) _styles = BeginTabGroup("Styles") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line tab ___line = BeginGroup(_("Line")).set_prop("display", icon="dashdot.png") xarrow_pen = LineStyleItem(_("Line (X-Axis)")) yarrow_pen = LineStyleItem(_("Line (Y-Axis)")) ___eline = EndGroup(_("Line")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fill tab ___fill = BeginGroup(_("Fill pattern")).set_prop( "display", icon="dense6pattern.png" ) xarrow_brush = BrushStyleItem(_("Fill pattern (X-Axis)")) yarrow_brush = BrushStyleItem(_("Fill pattern (Y-Axis)")) ___efill = EndGroup(_("Fill pattern")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- End _endstyles = EndTabGroup("Styles") def update_param(self, obj): self.arrow_angle = obj.arrow_angle self.arrow_size = obj.arrow_size self.xarrow_pen.update_param(obj.x_pen) self.yarrow_pen.update_param(obj.y_pen) self.xarrow_brush.update_param(obj.x_brush) self.yarrow_brush.update_param(obj.y_brush) def update_axes(self, obj): obj.arrow_angle = self.arrow_angle obj.arrow_size = self.arrow_size obj.x_pen = self.xarrow_pen.build_pen() obj.x_brush = self.xarrow_brush.build_brush() obj.y_pen = self.yarrow_pen.build_pen() obj.y_brush = self.yarrow_brush.build_brush()
[docs] class AnnotationParam(DataSet): show_label = BoolItem(_("Show annotation"), default=True) show_computations = BoolItem( _("Show informations on area " "covered by this shape"), default=True ) title = StringItem(_("Title"), default="") subtitle = StringItem(_("Subtitle"), default="") format = StringItem(_("String formatting"), default="%.1f") uncertainty = FloatItem( _("Uncertainty"), default=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0, help=_("Measurement relative uncertainty"), ).set_pos(col=1) transform_matrix = FloatArrayItem( _("Transform matrix"), default=np.eye(3, dtype=float) ) readonly = BoolItem( _("Read-only shape"), default=False, help=_("Read-only shapes can't be removed from " "the item list panel"), ) private = BoolItem( _("Private shape"), default=False, help=_("Private shapes are not shown in " "the item list panel"), ).set_pos(col=1) def update_param(self, obj): self.show_label = obj.is_label_visible() self.show_computations = obj.area_computations_visible self.title = str(obj.title().text()) self.readonly = obj.is_readonly() self.private = obj.is_private() def update_annotation(self, obj): plot = obj.plot() if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(True) # Avoid unwanted calls of update_param # triggered by the setter methods below obj.setTitle(self.title) obj.set_label_visible(self.show_label) obj.area_computations_visible = self.show_computations obj.update_label() obj.set_readonly(self.readonly) obj.set_private(self.private) if plot is not None: plot.blockSignals(False)
# =================================================== # Range selection parameters # ===================================================
[docs] class RangeShapeParam(DataSet): _styles = BeginTabGroup("Styles") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Line tab ___line = BeginGroup(_("Line")).set_prop("display", icon="dashdot.png") line = LineStyleItem(_("Line (not selected)")) sel_line = LineStyleItem(_("Line (selected)")) ___eline = EndGroup(_("Line")) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Symbol tab ___symbol = BeginGroup(_("Symbol")).set_prop("display", icon="diamond.png") symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol (not selected)")) sel_symbol = SymbolItem(_("Symbol (selected)")) ___esymbol = EndGroup(_("Symbol")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fill tab ___fill = BeginGroup(_("Fill")).set_prop("display", icon="dense6pattern.png") fill = ColorItem(_("Fill color")) shade = FloatItem(_("Shade"), default=0.05, min=0, max=1) ___efill = EndGroup(_("Fill")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- End _endstyles = EndTabGroup("Styles") def update_param(self, range): self.line.update_param(range.pen) self.sel_line.update_param(range.sel_pen) self.fill = range.brush.color().name() self.shade = range.brush.color().alphaF() self.symbol.update_param(range.symbol) self.sel_symbol.update_param(range.sel_symbol) def update_range(self, range): range.pen = self.line.build_pen() range.sel_pen = self.sel_line.build_pen() col = QColor(self.fill) col.setAlphaF(self.shade) range.brush = QBrush(col) range.symbol = self.symbol.build_symbol() range.sel_symbol = self.sel_symbol.build_symbol()