Source code for guiqwt.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2009-2010 CEA, Pierre Raybaut
# Copyright © 2022 Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see guiqwt/ for details)


The `plot` module provides the following features:
    * :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager`: the `plot manager` is an object to
      link `plots`, `panels` and `tools` together for designing highly
      versatile graphical user interfaces
    * :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveWidget`: a ready-to-use widget for curve
      displaying with an integrated and preconfigured `plot manager` providing
      the `item list panel` and curve-related `tools`
    * :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog`: a ready-to-use dialog box for
      curve displaying with an integrated and preconfigured `plot manager`
      providing the `item list panel` and curve-related `tools`
    * :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.ImageWidget`: a ready-to-use widget for curve
      and image displaying with an integrated and preconfigured `plot manager`
      providing the `item list panel`, the `contrast adjustment` panel, the
      `cross section panels` (along X and Y axes) and image-related `tools`
      (e.g. colormap selection tool)
    * :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.ImageDialog`: a ready-to-use dialog box for
      curve and image displaying with an integrated and preconfigured
      `plot manager` providing the `item list panel`, the `contrast adjustment`
      panel, the `cross section panels` (along X and Y axes) and image-related
      `tools` (e.g. colormap selection tool)

.. seealso::

    Module :py:mod:`guiqwt.curve`
        Module providing curve-related plot items and plotting widgets

    Module :py:mod:`guiqwt.image`
        Module providing image-related plot items and plotting widgets

    Module :py:mod:``
        Module providing the `plot tools`

    Module :py:mod:`guiqwt.panels`
        Module providing the `plot panels` IDs

    Module :py:mod:`guiqwt.baseplot`
        Module providing the `guiqwt` plotting widget base class

Class diagrams

Curve-related widgets with integrated plot manager:

.. image:: /images/curve_widgets.png

Image-related widgets with integrated plot manager:

.. image:: /images/image_widgets.png

Building your own plot manager:

.. image:: /images/my_plot_manager.png


Simple example *without* the `plot manager`:

.. literalinclude:: /../guiqwt/tests/
   :start-after: guitest: show
   :end-before: Workaround for Sphinx v0.6 bug: empty 'end-before' directive

Simple example *with* the `plot manager`:
even if this simple example does not justify the use of the `plot manager`
(this is an unnecessary complication here), it shows how to use it. In more
complex applications, using the `plot manager` allows to design highly versatile
graphical user interfaces.

.. literalinclude:: /../guiqwt/tests/
   :start-after: guitest: show
   :end-before: Workaround for Sphinx v0.6 bug: empty 'end-before' directive


.. autoclass:: PlotManager
.. autoclass:: CurveWidget
.. autoclass:: CurveDialog
.. autoclass:: ImageWidget
.. autoclass:: ImageDialog

import weakref
from numpy.lib.arraysetops import isin

from qtpy.QtWidgets import (
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy import PYQT5

from guidata.configtools import get_icon
from guidata.utils.misc import assert_interfaces_valid
from guidata.qthelpers import create_action, win32_fix_title_bar_background

# Local imports
from guiqwt.config import _
from guiqwt.baseplot import BasePlot
from guiqwt.curve import CurvePlot, PlotItemList
from guiqwt.image import ImagePlot
from import (
from guiqwt.interfaces import IPlotManager

class DefaultPlotID(object):

[docs] class PlotManager(object): """ Construct a PlotManager object, a 'controller' that organizes relations between plots (i.e. :py:class:`guiqwt.curve.CurvePlot` or :py:class:`guiqwt.image.ImagePlot` objects), panels, tools (see :py:mod:``) and toolbars """ __implements__ = (IPlotManager,) def __init__(self, main): self.main = main # The main parent widget self.plots = {} # maps ids to instances of BasePlot self.panels = {} # Qt widgets that need to know about the plots = [] self.toolbars = {} self.active_tool = None self.default_tool = None self.default_plot = None self.default_toolbar = None self.synchronized_plots = {} self.groups = {} # Action groups for grouping QActions # Keep track of the registration sequence (plots, panels, tools): self._first_tool_flag = True
[docs] def add_plot(self, plot, plot_id=DefaultPlotID): """ Register a plot to the plot manager: * plot: :py:class:`guiqwt.curve.CurvePlot` or :py:class:`guiqwt.image.ImagePlot` object * plot_id (default id is the plot object's id: ``id(plot)``): unique ID identifying the plot (any Python object), this ID will be asked by the manager to access this plot later. Plot manager's registration sequence is the following: 1. add plots 2. add panels 3. add tools """ if plot_id is DefaultPlotID: plot_id = id(plot) assert plot_id not in self.plots assert isinstance(plot, BasePlot) assert not, "tools must be added after plots" assert not self.panels, "panels must be added after plots" self.plots[plot_id] = plot if len(self.plots) == 1: self.default_plot = plot plot.set_manager(self, plot_id) # Connecting signals plot.SIG_ITEMS_CHANGED.connect(self.update_tools_status) plot.SIG_ACTIVE_ITEM_CHANGED.connect(self.update_tools_status) plot.SIG_PLOT_AXIS_CHANGED.connect(self.plot_axis_changed)
[docs] def set_default_plot(self, plot): """ Set default plot The default plot is the plot on which tools and panels will act. """ self.default_plot = plot
[docs] def get_default_plot(self): """ Return default plot The default plot is the plot on which tools and panels will act. """ return self.default_plot
[docs] def add_panel(self, panel): """ Register a panel to the plot manager Plot manager's registration sequence is the following: 1. add plots 2. add panels 3. add tools """ assert panel.PANEL_ID not in self.panels assert not, "tools must be added after panels" self.panels[panel.PANEL_ID] = panel panel.register_panel(self)
[docs] def configure_panels(self): """ Call all the registred panels 'configure_panel' methods to finalize the object construction (this allows to use tools registered to the same plot manager as the panel itself with breaking the registration sequence: "add plots, then panels, then tools") """ for panel_id in self.panels: panel = self.get_panel(panel_id) panel.configure_panel()
[docs] def add_toolbar(self, toolbar, toolbar_id="default"): """ Add toolbar to the plot manager toolbar: a QToolBar object toolbar_id: toolbar's id (default id is string "default") """ assert toolbar_id not in self.toolbars self.toolbars[toolbar_id] = toolbar if self.default_toolbar is None: self.default_toolbar = toolbar
[docs] def set_default_toolbar(self, toolbar): """ Set default toolbar """ self.default_toolbar = toolbar
[docs] def get_default_toolbar(self): """ Return default toolbar """ return self.default_toolbar
[docs] def add_tool(self, ToolKlass, *args, **kwargs): """ Register a tool to the manager * ToolKlass: tool's class (`guiqwt` builtin tools are defined in module :py:mod:``) * args: arguments sent to the tool's class * kwargs: keyword arguments sent to the tool's class Plot manager's registration sequence is the following: 1. add plots 2. add panels 3. add tools """ if self._first_tool_flag: # This is the very first tool to be added to this manager self._first_tool_flag = False self.configure_panels() tool = ToolKlass(self, *args, **kwargs) for plot in list(self.plots.values()): tool.register_plot(plot) if len( == 1: self.default_tool = tool return tool
[docs] def get_tool(self, ToolKlass): """Return tool instance from its class""" for tool in if isinstance(tool, ToolKlass): return tool
[docs] def add_separator_tool(self, toolbar_id=None): """ Register a separator tool to the plot manager: the separator tool is just a tool which insert a separator in the plot context menu """ if toolbar_id is None: for _id, toolbar in list(self.toolbars.items()): if toolbar is self.get_default_toolbar(): toolbar_id = _id break self.add_tool(DummySeparatorTool, toolbar_id)
[docs] def set_default_tool(self, tool): """ Set default tool """ self.default_tool = tool
[docs] def get_default_tool(self): """ Get default tool """ return self.default_tool
[docs] def activate_default_tool(self): """ Activate default tool """ self.get_default_tool().activate()
[docs] def get_active_tool(self): """ Return active tool """ return self.active_tool
[docs] def set_active_tool(self, tool=None): """ Set active tool (if tool argument is None, the active tool will be the default tool) """ self.active_tool = tool
[docs] def get_plot(self, plot_id=DefaultPlotID): """ Return plot associated to `plot_id` (if method is called without specifying the `plot_id` parameter, return the default plot) """ if plot_id is DefaultPlotID: return self.default_plot return self.plots[plot_id]
[docs] def get_plots(self): """ Return all registered plots """ return list(self.plots.values())
[docs] def get_active_plot(self): """ Return the active plot The active plot is the plot whose canvas has the focus otherwise it's the "default" plot """ for plot in list(self.plots.values()): canvas = plot.canvas() if canvas.hasFocus(): return plot return self.default_plot
def get_tool_group(self, groupname): group = self.groups.get(groupname, None) if group is None: group = QActionGroup(self.main) self.groups[groupname] = weakref.ref(group) return group else: return group()
[docs] def get_main(self): """ Return the main (parent) widget Note that for py:class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveWidget` or :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.ImageWidget` objects, this method will return the widget itself because the plot manager is integrated to it. """ return self.main
def set_main(self, main): self.main = main
[docs] def get_panel(self, panel_id): """ Return panel from its ID Panel IDs are listed in module guiqwt.panels """ return self.panels.get(panel_id, None)
[docs] def get_itemlist_panel(self): """ Convenience function to get the `item list panel` Return None if the item list panel has not been added to this manager """ from guiqwt import panels return self.get_panel(panels.ID_ITEMLIST)
[docs] def get_contrast_panel(self): """ Convenience function to get the `contrast adjustment panel` Return None if the contrast adjustment panel has not been added to this manager """ from guiqwt import panels return self.get_panel(panels.ID_CONTRAST)
[docs] def set_contrast_range(self, zmin, zmax): """ Convenience function to set the `contrast adjustment panel` range This is strictly equivalent to the following:: # Here, *widget* is for example a CurveWidget instance # (the same apply for CurvePlot, ImageWidget, ImagePlot or any # class deriving from PlotManager) widget.get_contrast_panel().set_range(zmin, zmax) """ self.get_contrast_panel().set_range(zmin, zmax)
[docs] def get_xcs_panel(self): """ Convenience function to get the `X-axis cross section panel` Return None if the X-axis cross section panel has not been added to this manager """ from guiqwt import panels return self.get_panel(panels.ID_XCS)
[docs] def get_ycs_panel(self): """ Convenience function to get the `Y-axis cross section panel` Return None if the Y-axis cross section panel has not been added to this manager """ from guiqwt import panels return self.get_panel(panels.ID_YCS)
[docs] def update_cross_sections(self): """ Convenience function to update the `cross section panels` at once This is strictly equivalent to the following:: # Here, *widget* is for example a CurveWidget instance # (the same apply for CurvePlot, ImageWidget, ImagePlot or any # class deriving from PlotManager) widget.get_xcs_panel().update_plot() widget.get_ycs_panel().update_plot() """ self.get_xcs_panel().update_plot() self.get_ycs_panel().update_plot()
[docs] def get_toolbar(self, toolbar_id="default"): """ Return toolbar from its ID toolbar_id: toolbar's id (default id is string "default") """ return self.toolbars.get(toolbar_id, None)
[docs] def get_context_menu(self, plot=None): """ Return widget context menu -- built using active tools """ if plot is None: plot = self.get_plot() menu = QMenu(plot) self.update_tools_status(plot) for tool in tool.setup_context_menu(menu, plot) return menu
[docs] def update_tools_status(self, plot=None): """ Update tools for current plot """ if plot is None: plot = self.get_plot() for tool in tool.update_status(plot)
[docs] def create_action( self, title, triggered=None, toggled=None, shortcut=None, icon=None, tip=None, checkable=None, context=Qt.WindowShortcut, enabled=None, ): """ Create a new QAction """ return create_action( self.main, title, triggered=triggered, toggled=toggled, shortcut=shortcut, icon=icon, tip=tip, checkable=checkable, context=context, enabled=enabled, )
# The following methods provide some sets of tools that # are often registered together
[docs] def register_standard_tools(self): """ Registering basic tools for standard plot dialog --> top of the context-menu """ t = self.add_tool(SelectTool) self.set_default_tool(t) self.add_tool(RectZoomTool) self.add_tool(BasePlotMenuTool, "item") self.add_tool(ExportItemDataTool) self.add_tool(EditItemDataTool) self.add_tool(ItemCenterTool) self.add_tool(DeleteItemTool) self.add_separator_tool() self.add_tool(BasePlotMenuTool, "grid") self.add_tool(BasePlotMenuTool, "axes") self.add_tool(DisplayCoordsTool) if self.get_itemlist_panel(): self.add_tool(ItemListPanelTool)
[docs] def register_curve_tools(self): """ Register only curve-related tools .. seealso:: :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.add_tool` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_standard_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_other_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_image_tools` """ self.add_tool(SignalStatsTool) self.add_tool(AntiAliasingTool) self.add_tool(AxisScaleTool)
[docs] def register_image_tools(self): """ Register only image-related tools .. seealso:: :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.add_tool` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_standard_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_other_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_curve_tools` """ self.add_tool(ColormapTool) self.add_tool(ReverseYAxisTool) self.add_tool(AspectRatioTool) if self.get_contrast_panel(): self.add_tool(ContrastPanelTool) self.add_tool(SnapshotTool) self.add_tool(ImageStatsTool) if self.get_xcs_panel() and self.get_ycs_panel(): self.add_tool(XCSPanelTool) self.add_tool(YCSPanelTool) self.add_tool(CrossSectionTool) self.add_tool(AverageCrossSectionTool)
[docs] def register_other_tools(self): """ Register other common tools .. seealso:: :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.add_tool` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_standard_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_curve_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_image_tools` """ self.add_tool(SaveAsTool) self.add_tool(CopyToClipboardTool) self.add_tool(PrintTool) self.add_tool(HelpTool) self.add_tool(AboutTool)
[docs] def register_all_curve_tools(self): """ Register standard, curve-related and other tools .. seealso:: :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.add_tool` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_standard_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_other_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_curve_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_image_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_all_image_tools` """ self.register_standard_tools() self.add_separator_tool() self.register_curve_tools() self.add_separator_tool() self.register_other_tools() self.add_separator_tool() self.update_tools_status() self.get_default_tool().activate()
[docs] def register_all_image_tools(self): """ Register standard, image-related and other tools .. seealso:: :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.add_tool` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_standard_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_other_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_curve_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_image_tools` :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.PlotManager.register_all_curve_tools` """ self.register_standard_tools() self.add_separator_tool() self.register_image_tools() self.add_separator_tool() self.register_other_tools() self.add_separator_tool() self.update_tools_status() self.get_default_tool().activate()
def synchronize_axis(self, axis, plots): for plot_id in plots: synclist = self.synchronized_plots.setdefault(plot_id, []) for plot2_id in plots: if plot_id == plot2_id: continue item = (axis, plot2_id) if item not in synclist: synclist.append(item) def plot_axis_changed(self, plot): plot_id = plot.plot_id if plot_id not in self.synchronized_plots: return for (axis, other_plot_id) in self.synchronized_plots[plot_id]: scalediv = plot.axisScaleDiv(axis) map = plot.canvasMap(axis) other = self.get_plot(other_plot_id) lb = scalediv.lowerBound() ub = scalediv.upperBound() other.setAxisScale(axis, lb, ub) other.replot()
assert_interfaces_valid(PlotManager) # =============================================================================== # Curve Plot Widget/Dialog with integrated Item list widget # =============================================================================== def configure_plot_splitter(qsplit, decreasing_size=True): qsplit.setChildrenCollapsible(False) qsplit.setHandleWidth(4) if decreasing_size: qsplit.setStretchFactor(0, 1) qsplit.setStretchFactor(1, 0) qsplit.setSizes([2, 1]) else: qsplit.setStretchFactor(0, 0) qsplit.setStretchFactor(1, 1) qsplit.setSizes([1, 2]) class SubplotWidget(QSplitter): """Construct a Widget that helps managing several plots together handled by the same manager Since the plots must be added to the manager before the panels the add_standard_panels method can be called after having declared all the subplots """ # FIXME: Part of this class should be refactored with BaseImageWidget (at least # the methods `add_standard_panels`, `adjust_ycsw_height` and `xcsw_is_visible`). # This will be done in `plotpy` (the library replacing `guiqwt` at the end of 2023). def __init__(self, manager, parent=None, **kwargs): super(SubplotWidget, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setOrientation(Qt.Vertical) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.sub_splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.sub_splitter.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.manager = manager self.plots = [] self.itemlist = None self.xcsw = None self.ycsw = None self.contrast = None self.mainwidget = QWidget() self.plotlayout = QGridLayout() self.mainwidget.setLayout(self.plotlayout) @property def has_images(self): """Return True if subplot widget contains images (i.e. `ImagePlot` instances)""" return any( [ isinstance(self.plotlayout.itemAt(index).widget(), ImagePlot) for index in range(self.plotlayout.count()) ] ) def add_standard_panels( self, show_itemlist=False, show_xsection=False, show_ysection=False, show_contrast=False, ): """Add standard panels (item list, X/Y cross section, contrast)""" if self.has_images: from guiqwt.cross_section import XCrossSection, YCrossSection self.ycsw_splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal, self.sub_splitter) self.ycsw = YCrossSection( self.ycsw_splitter, position="right", xsection_pos="top" ) self.ycsw.setVisible(show_ysection) self.xcsw_splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical, self.ycsw_splitter) self.xcsw = XCrossSection(self.xcsw_splitter) self.xcsw.setVisible(show_xsection) self.xcsw.SIG_VISIBILITY_CHANGED.connect(self.xcsw_is_visible) self.xcsw_splitter.addWidget(self.xcsw) self.xcsw_splitter.addWidget(self.mainwidget) self.xcsw_splitter.splitterMoved.connect( lambda pos, index: self.adjust_ycsw_height() ) self.ycsw_splitter.addWidget(self.xcsw_splitter) self.ycsw_splitter.addWidget(self.ycsw) configure_plot_splitter(self.xcsw_splitter, decreasing_size=False) configure_plot_splitter(self.ycsw_splitter, decreasing_size=True) self.sub_splitter.addWidget(self.ycsw_splitter) else: self.sub_splitter.addWidget(self.mainwidget) self.itemlist = PlotItemList(self) self.itemlist.setVisible(show_itemlist) self.sub_splitter.addWidget(self.itemlist) if self.has_images: from guiqwt.histogram import ContrastAdjustment self.contrast = ContrastAdjustment(self) self.contrast.setVisible(show_contrast) self.addWidget(self.contrast) configure_plot_splitter(self) if self.has_images: configure_plot_splitter(self.sub_splitter) for panel in (self.itemlist, self.xcsw, self.ycsw, self.contrast): if panel is not None: self.manager.add_panel(panel) if self.has_images: self.manager.register_all_image_tools() else: self.manager.register_all_curve_tools() def adjust_ycsw_height(self, height=None): if height is None: height = self.xcsw.height() - self.ycsw.toolbar.height() self.ycsw.adjust_height(height) def xcsw_is_visible(self, state): if state: self.adjust_ycsw_height() else: self.adjust_ycsw_height(0) def add_subplot(self, plot, i=0, j=0, plot_id=None): """Add a plot to the grid of plots""" self.plotlayout.addWidget(plot, i, j) self.plots.append(plot) if plot_id is None: plot_id = id(plot) self.manager.add_plot(plot, plot_id) class BaseCurveWidget(QSplitter): """ Construct a BaseCurveWidget object, which includes: * A plot (:py:class:`guiqwt.curve.CurvePlot`) * An `item list` panel (:py:class:`guiqwt.curve.PlotItemList`) This object does nothing in itself because plot and panels are not connected to each other. See children class :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.CurveWidget` """ def __init__( self, parent=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xunit=None, yunit=None, section="plot", show_itemlist=False, gridparam=None, curve_antialiasing=None, **kwargs ): if PYQT5: super(BaseCurveWidget, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) else: QSplitter.__init__(self, Qt.Horizontal, parent) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.plot = CurvePlot( parent=self, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit, section=section, gridparam=gridparam, ) if curve_antialiasing is not None: self.plot.set_antialiasing(curve_antialiasing) self.addWidget(self.plot) self.itemlist = PlotItemList(self) self.itemlist.setVisible(show_itemlist) self.addWidget(self.itemlist) configure_plot_splitter(self)
[docs] class CurveWidget(BaseCurveWidget, PlotManager): """ Construct a CurveWidget object: plotting widget with integrated plot manager * parent: parent widget * title: plot title * xlabel: (bottom axis title, top axis title) or bottom axis title only * ylabel: (left axis title, right axis title) or left axis title only * xunit: (bottom axis unit, top axis unit) or bottom axis unit only * yunit: (left axis unit, right axis unit) or left axis unit only * panels (optional): additionnal panels (list, tuple) """ def __init__( self, parent=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xunit=None, yunit=None, section="plot", show_itemlist=False, gridparam=None, panels=None, ): if PYQT5: super(CurveWidget, self).__init__( parent=parent, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit, section=section, show_itemlist=show_itemlist, gridparam=gridparam, main=self, ) else: BaseCurveWidget.__init__( self, parent, title, xlabel, ylabel, xunit, yunit, section, show_itemlist, gridparam, ) PlotManager.__init__(self, main=self) # Configuring plot manager self.add_plot(self.plot) self.add_panel(self.itemlist) if panels is not None: for panel in panels: self.add_panel(panel)
class CurveWidgetMixin(PlotManager): def __init__( self, wintitle="guiqwt plot", icon="guiqwt.svg", toolbar=False, options=None, panels=None, ): PlotManager.__init__(self, main=self) self.plot_layout = QGridLayout() if options is None: options = {} self.plot_widget = None self.create_plot(options) if panels is not None: for panel in panels: self.add_panel(panel) self.toolbar = QToolBar(_("Tools")) if not toolbar: self.toolbar.hide() # Configuring widget layout self.setup_widget_properties(wintitle=wintitle, icon=icon) self.setup_widget_layout() # Configuring plot manager self.add_toolbar(self.toolbar, "default") self.register_tools() def setup_widget_layout(self): raise NotImplementedError def setup_widget_properties(self, wintitle, icon): self.setWindowTitle(wintitle) if isinstance(icon, str): icon = get_icon(icon) if icon is not None: self.setWindowIcon(icon) self.setMinimumSize(320, 240) self.resize(640, 480) def register_tools(self): """ Register the plotting dialog box tools: the base implementation provides standard, curve-related and other tools - i.e. calling this method is exactly the same as calling :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog.register_all_curve_tools` This method may be overriden to provide a fully customized set of tools """ self.register_all_curve_tools() def create_plot(self, options, row=0, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=1): """ Create the plotting widget (which is an instance of class :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.BaseCurveWidget`), add it to the dialog box main layout (:py:attr:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog.plot_layout`) and then add the `item list` panel May be overriden to customize the plot layout (:py:attr:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog.plot_layout`) """ self.plot_widget = BaseCurveWidget(self, **options) self.plot_layout.addWidget(self.plot_widget, row, column, rowspan, columnspan) # Configuring plot manager self.add_plot(self.plot_widget.plot) self.add_panel(self.plot_widget.itemlist)
[docs] class CurveDialog(QDialog, CurveWidgetMixin): """ Construct a CurveDialog object: plotting dialog box with integrated plot manager * wintitle: window title * icon: window icon * edit: editable state * toolbar: show/hide toolbar * options: options sent to the :py:class:`guiqwt.curve.CurvePlot` object (dictionary) * parent: parent widget * panels (optional): additionnal panels (list, tuple) """ def __init__( self, wintitle="guiqwt plot", icon="guiqwt.svg", edit=False, toolbar=False, options=None, parent=None, panels=None, ): if not PYQT5: QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.edit = edit self.button_box = None self.button_layout = None if PYQT5: super(CurveDialog, self).__init__( parent, wintitle=wintitle, icon=icon, toolbar=toolbar, options=options, panels=panels, ) else: CurveWidgetMixin.__init__( self, wintitle=wintitle, icon=icon, toolbar=toolbar, options=options, panels=panels, ) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window) win32_fix_title_bar_background(self) def setup_widget_layout(self): vlayout = QVBoxLayout(self) vlayout.addWidget(self.toolbar) vlayout.addLayout(self.plot_layout) self.setLayout(vlayout) if self.edit: self.button_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.install_button_layout() vlayout.addLayout(self.button_layout)
[docs] def install_button_layout(self): """ Install standard buttons (OK, Cancel) in dialog button box layout (:py:attr:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog.button_layout`) This method may be overriden to customize the button box """ bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) bbox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.button_layout.addWidget(bbox) self.button_box = bbox
class CurveWindow(QMainWindow, CurveWidgetMixin): """ Construct a CurveWindow object: plotting window with integrated plot manager * wintitle: window title * icon: window icon * toolbar: show/hide toolbar * options: options sent to the :py:class:`guiqwt.curve.CurvePlot` object (dictionary) * parent: parent widget * panels (optional): additionnal panels (list, tuple) """ def __init__( self, wintitle="guiqwt plot", icon="guiqwt.svg", toolbar=False, options=None, parent=None, panels=None, ): if PYQT5: super(CurveWindow, self).__init__( parent, wintitle=wintitle, icon=icon, toolbar=toolbar, options=options, panels=panels, ) else: QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) CurveWidgetMixin.__init__( self, wintitle=wintitle, icon=icon, toolbar=toolbar, options=options, panels=panels, ) win32_fix_title_bar_background(self) def setup_widget_layout(self): self.addToolBar(self.toolbar) widget = QWidget() widget.setLayout(self.plot_layout) self.setCentralWidget(widget) def closeEvent(self, event): # Closing panels (necessary if at least one of these panels has no # parent widget: otherwise, this panel will stay open after the main # window has been closed which is not the expected behavior) for panel in self.panels: self.get_panel(panel).close() QMainWindow.closeEvent(self, event) # =============================================================================== # Image Plot Widget/Dialog with integrated Levels Histogram and other widgets # =============================================================================== class BaseImageWidget(QSplitter): """ Construct a BaseImageWidget object, which includes: * A plot (:py:class:`guiqwt.curve.CurvePlot`) * An `item list` panel (:py:class:`guiqwt.curve.PlotItemList`) * A `contrast adjustment` panel (:py:class:`guiqwt.histogram.ContrastAdjustment`) * An `X-axis cross section` panel (:py:class:`guiqwt.histogram.XCrossSection`) * An `Y-axis cross section` panel (:py:class:`guiqwt.histogram.YCrossSection`) This object does nothing in itself because plot and panels are not connected to each other. See children class :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.ImageWidget` """ def __init__( self, parent=None, title="", xlabel=("", ""), ylabel=("", ""), zlabel=None, xunit=("", ""), yunit=("", ""), zunit=None, yreverse=True, colormap="jet", aspect_ratio=1.0, lock_aspect_ratio=True, show_contrast=False, show_itemlist=False, show_xsection=False, show_ysection=False, xsection_pos="top", ysection_pos="right", gridparam=None, curve_antialiasing=None, **kwargs ): if PYQT5: super(BaseImageWidget, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setOrientation(Qt.Vertical) else: QSplitter.__init__(self, Qt.Vertical, parent) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.sub_splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.plot = ImagePlot( parent=self, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, zlabel=zlabel, xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit, zunit=zunit, yreverse=yreverse, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, lock_aspect_ratio=lock_aspect_ratio, gridparam=gridparam, ) if curve_antialiasing is not None: self.plot.set_antialiasing(curve_antialiasing) from guiqwt.cross_section import YCrossSection self.ycsw = YCrossSection( self, position=ysection_pos, xsection_pos=xsection_pos ) self.ycsw.setVisible(show_ysection) from guiqwt.cross_section import XCrossSection self.xcsw = XCrossSection(self) self.xcsw.setVisible(show_xsection) self.xcsw.SIG_VISIBILITY_CHANGED.connect(self.xcsw_is_visible) self.xcsw_splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical, self) if xsection_pos == "top": self.xcsw_splitter.addWidget(self.xcsw) self.xcsw_splitter.addWidget(self.plot) else: self.xcsw_splitter.addWidget(self.plot) self.xcsw_splitter.addWidget(self.xcsw) self.xcsw_splitter.splitterMoved.connect( lambda pos, index: self.adjust_ycsw_height() ) self.ycsw_splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal, self) if ysection_pos == "left": self.ycsw_splitter.addWidget(self.ycsw) self.ycsw_splitter.addWidget(self.xcsw_splitter) else: self.ycsw_splitter.addWidget(self.xcsw_splitter) self.ycsw_splitter.addWidget(self.ycsw) configure_plot_splitter( self.xcsw_splitter, decreasing_size=xsection_pos == "bottom" ) configure_plot_splitter( self.ycsw_splitter, decreasing_size=ysection_pos == "right" ) self.sub_splitter.addWidget(self.ycsw_splitter) self.itemlist = PlotItemList(self) self.itemlist.setVisible(show_itemlist) self.sub_splitter.addWidget(self.itemlist) # Contrast adjustment (Levels histogram) from guiqwt.histogram import ContrastAdjustment self.contrast = ContrastAdjustment(self) self.contrast.setVisible(show_contrast) self.addWidget(self.contrast) configure_plot_splitter(self) configure_plot_splitter(self.sub_splitter) def adjust_ycsw_height(self, height=None): if height is None: height = self.xcsw.height() - self.ycsw.toolbar.height() self.ycsw.adjust_height(height) def xcsw_is_visible(self, state): if state: self.adjust_ycsw_height() else: self.adjust_ycsw_height(0)
[docs] class ImageWidget(BaseImageWidget, PlotManager): """ Construct a ImageWidget object: plotting widget with integrated plot manager * parent: parent widget * title: plot title (string) * xlabel, ylabel, zlabel: resp. bottom, left and right axis titles (strings) * xunit, yunit, zunit: resp. bottom, left and right axis units (strings) * yreverse: reversing Y-axis (bool) * aspect_ratio: height to width ratio (float) * lock_aspect_ratio: locking aspect ratio (bool) * show_contrast: showing contrast adjustment tool (bool) * show_xsection: showing x-axis cross section plot (bool) * show_ysection: showing y-axis cross section plot (bool) * xsection_pos: x-axis cross section plot position (string: "top", "bottom") * ysection_pos: y-axis cross section plot position (string: "left", "right") * panels (optional): additionnal panels (list, tuple) """ def __init__( self, parent=None, title="", xlabel=("", ""), ylabel=("", ""), zlabel=None, xunit=("", ""), yunit=("", ""), zunit=None, yreverse=True, colormap="jet", aspect_ratio=1.0, lock_aspect_ratio=True, show_contrast=False, show_itemlist=False, show_xsection=False, show_ysection=False, xsection_pos="top", ysection_pos="right", gridparam=None, panels=None, ): if PYQT5: super(ImageWidget, self).__init__( parent=parent, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, zlabel=zlabel, xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit, zunit=zunit, yreverse=yreverse, colormap=colormap, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, lock_aspect_ratio=lock_aspect_ratio, show_contrast=show_contrast, show_itemlist=show_itemlist, show_xsection=show_xsection, show_ysection=show_ysection, xsection_pos=xsection_pos, ysection_pos=ysection_pos, gridparam=gridparam, main=self, ) else: BaseImageWidget.__init__( self, parent, title, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, xunit, yunit, zunit, yreverse, colormap, aspect_ratio, lock_aspect_ratio, show_contrast, show_itemlist, show_xsection, show_ysection, xsection_pos, ysection_pos, gridparam, ) PlotManager.__init__(self, main=self) # Configuring plot manager self.add_plot(self.plot) self.add_panel(self.itemlist) self.add_panel(self.xcsw) self.add_panel(self.ycsw) self.add_panel(self.contrast) if panels is not None: for panel in panels: self.add_panel(panel)
class ImageWidgetMixin(CurveWidgetMixin): def register_tools(self): """ Register the plotting dialog box tools: the base implementation provides standard, image-related and other tools - i.e. calling this method is exactly the same as calling :py:meth:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog.register_all_image_tools` This method may be overriden to provide a fully customized set of tools """ self.register_all_image_tools() def create_plot(self, options, row=0, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=1): """ Create the plotting widget (which is an instance of class :py:class:`guiqwt.plot.BaseImageWidget`), add it to the dialog box main layout (:py:attr:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog.plot_layout`) and then add the `item list`, `contrast adjustment` and X/Y axes cross section panels. May be overriden to customize the plot layout (:py:attr:`guiqwt.plot.CurveDialog.plot_layout`) """ self.plot_widget = BaseImageWidget(self, **options) self.plot_layout.addWidget(self.plot_widget, row, column, rowspan, columnspan) # Configuring plot manager self.add_plot(self.plot_widget.plot) self.add_panel(self.plot_widget.itemlist) self.add_panel(self.plot_widget.xcsw) self.add_panel(self.plot_widget.ycsw) self.add_panel(self.plot_widget.contrast)
[docs] class ImageDialog(CurveDialog, ImageWidgetMixin): """ Construct a ImageDialog object: plotting dialog box with integrated plot manager * wintitle: window title * icon: window icon * edit: editable state * toolbar: show/hide toolbar * options: options sent to the :py:class:`guiqwt.image.ImagePlot` object (dictionary) * parent: parent widget * panels (optional): additionnal panels (list, tuple) """ pass
class ImageWindow(CurveWindow, ImageWidgetMixin): """ Construct a ImageWindow object: plotting window with integrated plot manager * wintitle: window title * icon: window icon * toolbar: show/hide toolbar * options: options sent to the :py:class:`guiqwt.image.ImagePlot` object (dictionary) * parent: parent widget * panels (optional): additionnal panels (list, tuple) """ pass